there are Holes in the Floor of Heaven with My Angel watching over Grandma’s Garden at Mamaw’s House
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there are Holes in the Floor of Heaven with My Angel watching over Grandma’s Garden at Mamaw’s House

Hello Monday! First day of fall arrived yesterday – looks like summer will hang around a bit longer here in the Pacific Northwest – but bonafide fall weather is just around the corner! Since it is Monday, that, of course, means music! This week’s theme is “National Calendar Day themed songs – Gorgeous Grandma Day…

In the End If That Ain’t God, i’d be Bored in USA – and Knee Deep!

In the End If That Ain’t God, i’d be Bored in USA – and Knee Deep!

Can you believe we’re halfway through July this week? You know how it always feels like the years fly by? Well 2020 is simultaneously flying by whilst still crawling at a snail’s pace. Meanwhile, it’s Monday, and Monday means music – this week is a freebie week, so grab your favorite tune(s), and come dance…