Racing Towards Valentine’s Day with Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Racing Towards Valentine’s Day with Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Tuesday is here once again! I like Tuesday. It has no negative annotation with it, really. Monday is despised because it’s… well… Monday. Wednesday is the middle of the week, aka hump day, Thursday is technically ‘Friday Eve,’ and Friday is… well… Friday, the day everyone loves. Tuesday’s just another day of the week that…

Valentine’s and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Valentine’s and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Hello, my favorite Tuesday peeps! Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day – any special plans? The hubby and I did our Valentine’s dinner this past Saturday night, so we’d avoid the crowds and hiked up prices on the actual day. We’ll exchange gifts tomorrow, of course, tradition and all, and I’ll make something simple yet delicious for…

Snow and more Holiday Shenanigans with Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Snow and more Holiday Shenanigans with Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Hello Tuesday that feels like a Monday – for those of us who had Monday off for MLK Jr Day. I mentioned last week we were expecting a major snow storm – as the week progressed, the numbers kept going up, until midweek *poof!* the numbers took a nosedive. Instead, we ended up being surprised…

Snowy Valentine’s Day Surprise and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Snowy Valentine’s Day Surprise and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Happy Tuesday! So last week for Valentine’s Day, we woke up to snow: Crazy, no? We got about 6 inches total, the forecast never mentioned anything about snow in our area. Naturally the hubby wasn’t able to go to work that day, there was no getting off our steep hill, and there was a snow…

Happy Valentine’s Day with Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Happy Valentine’s Day with Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

It’s Valentine’s Day, people! Are you doing anything special with your loved one? We did our Valentine Dinner last Friday night – we rarely (if ever) actually go out on the actual day, because everything gets jacked-up price-wise, and there are way more crowds of people out and about celebrating. Both the hubby and I…

I Still Love You – we were Meant to Be so Hold My Hand and Lift Me Up

I Still Love You – we were Meant to Be so Hold My Hand and Lift Me Up

Is it Monday already?! Why do weekends seem to speed by too fast? The saving grace of Monday is that Monday means music! For this new year, the 4M crew is operating a bit differently. If you have a theme idea, submit your request by email. Each person’s suggestion(s) will be credited accordingly – unless…

You Are The Reason the Parallel Line is Perfect so be my Valentine

You Are The Reason the Parallel Line is Perfect so be my Valentine

Hello Monday! I’m still trying to learn the art of ‘not blinking’ so time doesn’t fly by so fast, but alas and alack, it’s not working for me. But hey! This is Valentine’s week! Anyone else out there a hopeless romantic like I am? Too bad the hubby doesn’t have a romantic bone in his…