The Unconventional Librarian’s Book Tour: 1001 People That Suck by Kerri Kochanski
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The Unconventional Librarian’s Book Tour: 1001 People That Suck by Kerri Kochanski

Kerri Kochanski, Author of 1,001 People That Suck is fed up with bad humanity and unkind behavior, and is “calling people out.” Championing kindness, tolerance, and understanding, the book “publicly shames” people who commit social crimes. As these crimes generally go unpunished, offenders fail to suffer a consequence, and thus, their bad behavior and unkindness…

Got Batteries? Join the #PowerASmile Twitter Party – Win Prizes and Batteries!
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Got Batteries? Join the #PowerASmile Twitter Party – Win Prizes and Batteries!

Christmas is coming – are you all stocked up on batteries yet?  Now is as good a time as any to avoid those sad pouty faces on Christmas morning when you realize the plethora of toys revealed in a sea of festive wrapping paper won’t do what they’re supposed to do until they’re loaded up…

Lovin’ JT Hodges and Keeley Dodd, Back to School Prep Legend of Zelda Style, Cool Anniversary Gift – RTT Rebel
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Lovin’ JT Hodges and Keeley Dodd, Back to School Prep Legend of Zelda Style, Cool Anniversary Gift – RTT Rebel

The UPS driver made my day yesterday, because he delivered this: Sorry about the flash glare, I was in a hurry and didn’t take or make time to take a proper picture.  That’s JT Hodges newest CD – and an autographed booklet for the CD. Last year he released his first single, “Hunt You Down“ that…

Stifling Heat, Laundry Flood, and Twitter Fun
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Stifling Heat, Laundry Flood, and Twitter Fun

Three-day weekends always throw me for a loop, because I keep forgetting what day it actually is.  Today happens to be the last Tuesday of May – can’t believe this year is already closing in on the halfway point. Anyone do any cookouts yesterday for Memorial Day?  We limited ourselves to just burgers on the…