All About Thanksgiving Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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All About Thanksgiving Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

It’s Tuesday! Well, I didn’t have to tell you that. 😉 It’s Tuesday of a short week because one of my favorite holidays is in two days! Look! The proof is in the pudding (or, in this case, pie): I am looking so forward to having a long weekend to reset after working extra hours every…

playing a Thanksgiving Song while wearing our Stretchy Pants for another Thanksgiving Song when we Gobble Gobble!

playing a Thanksgiving Song while wearing our Stretchy Pants for another Thanksgiving Song when we Gobble Gobble!

Hello, Monday peeps! It’s here, it’s here! Thanksgiving week is here! Hopefully you all have amazing plans this week. I’ve been working too many hours each week, so me personally am looking forward to having a bonafide 4-day weekend—that break is long overdue, let me tell you. 😉 Since it is Monday, you know that…

Thanksgiving Week is here! With Random Funnies, of course! Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Thanksgiving Week is here! With Random Funnies, of course! Random Tuesday Thoughts

Thanksgiving is this week, people! It’s day after tomorrow! I’m actually glad that Thanksgiving is ‘early’ this year, what with the 4th Thursday falling the way it does, so it gives us a little bit of ‘extra’ time until Christmas to get things done. I’ll of course be decorating for Christmas this weekend – I…

Thanksgiving Song makes us Gobble Gobble and need to wear our Stretchy Pants, so i’m thankful for The Thanksgiving Song!
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Thanksgiving Song makes us Gobble Gobble and need to wear our Stretchy Pants, so i’m thankful for The Thanksgiving Song!

Monday has arrived, and this week is Thanksgiving week! Man, that got here fast! Are you ready? This is one of my most favorite holidays, so I’m psyched for this week for sure! And, since it’s Monday, you know that Monday means music! This week is a freebie week, so grab your favorite tune(s) and…

Stolen Hour Returned; Thanksgiving Is Coming; Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Stolen Hour Returned; Thanksgiving Is Coming; Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Looky here! November has arrived! My favorite time of year – not only weather-wise (well, we could use a little less rain so I can get my outdoor decorations up for fall, at this rate I’ll just have to skip fall decor and go straight to Christmas decor!) but gaining our hour back. I’m on…

The End of an Era with Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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The End of an Era with Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

The landscape of our view from our deck is changing – the sad fire in town two weeks ago today resulted in the historical building needing to come down. The view I love so much (this particular shot I took I use as my Zoom background): If you look in the center of the photograph…

Thankful for Thanksgiving Week; Fridge Fun; Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Thankful for Thanksgiving Week; Fridge Fun; Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

OK, who pressed the fast-forward button and sped us up to Thanksgiving week? That was fast! I absolutely love this time of year, so I’m OK with whomever pressed the fast-forward button. 😉 Of course I’m still up to my eyeballs with work – trying to cram as much in as possible these few days…