Thank You for being Thankful for the Things I’m Thankful For and i Thank God for You!

Thank You for being Thankful for the Things I’m Thankful For and i Thank God for You!

Hello Monday! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Anyone else need another day or two to recover from the long weekend? No? Just me? Alrighty then! Since it is Monday, that of course means music! For the month of November, our Spotlight Dancer is our fearless leader and brainchild of Monday’s Music Moves Me,…

Thank You for being Larger Than Life – i Thank God for You and Thank You For Being A Friend!

Thank You for being Larger Than Life – i Thank God for You and Thank You For Being A Friend!

Hello Monday – seems winter is definitely coming; leaves are falling like crazy now that our extended summer has finally exited stage left, and cold air has moved in. Last week we had a tragedy in our small town, one of our oldest buildings in town caught fire – here’s what it looked like from…

Thankful for the Thanksgiving Song, Thank God for You, and my Stretchy Pants!

Thankful for the Thanksgiving Song, Thank God for You, and my Stretchy Pants!

Can you believe it’s already Thanksgiving week?! Hopefully you all have fabulous plans with family and/or friends for the extended weekend. Meanwhile, since it is Monday, Monday means music! For the month of November, our Spotlight Dancer is our friend and regular MMMM participant (and fabulous contributor), DRILLER’S PLACE! The theme selected for this week…

Missing Thanksgiving but Thankful for the Thanksgiving Song, and Thank God for You!

Missing Thanksgiving but Thankful for the Thanksgiving Song, and Thank God for You!

Monday has arrived – and you know what that means… music! For the month of November, our Spotlight Dancer is our friend Robin from Songbird’s Crazy World! The theme selected for this week is “In honor of Thanksgiving, songs that spell out the word “grateful”.” Sad to say I’m not playing by the rules this…

for 7 Years i Thank God For You in The House That Built Me – You’re Gonna Miss This!

for 7 Years i Thank God For You in The House That Built Me – You’re Gonna Miss This!

For some, this is a three-day weekend – the hubby and kids are off today, so it’s feeling like a Sunday. But it’s Monday, and Monday means music! For the month of February, our Spotlight Dancer is our friend Robin from Songbird’s Crazy World! She has chosen the theme for this week, which is “Songs…