Raise Your Glass of Mai Tais making Memories on New Year’s Day!

Raise Your Glass of Mai Tais making Memories on New Year’s Day!

The year is coming to an end! I’m really looking forward to what 2020 has in store, that’s for sure – how about you? Meanwhile, it’s Monday, and Monday means music! For the whole month of December our honorary co-host has been… “Santa Claus”, with the whole month dedicated to Christmas tunes or Christmas related. Now…

I’ll Be Your Santa Tonight by the Christmas Tree on the Christmas Tree Farm because Baby, It’s Cold Outside!
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I’ll Be Your Santa Tonight by the Christmas Tree on the Christmas Tree Farm because Baby, It’s Cold Outside!

Hey-oh! It’s Monday! And it just so happens to be my birthday! Let’s Par-tay! I have to admit, it’s kind of a bummer that my birthday falls on a Monday this year, but thankfully I get to listen to lots of music today – because Monday means music! For the whole month of December our honorary…

i don’t Wish You Pain at the Club you Beautiful Ghosts – but i Remember You Young

i don’t Wish You Pain at the Club you Beautiful Ghosts – but i Remember You Young

This time of year is always a busy one – we kicked off November with Little Dude’s 12th birthday, then last Friday was Princess Nagger’s 17th birthday. I know what you’re thinking – SEVENTEEN? No way this little munchkin has gotten so old so fast: The Teenitude has been prominent, but from what I understand…

i say Hell Right to a Bluebird Lover who might be The Man In The Moon

i say Hell Right to a Bluebird Lover who might be The Man In The Moon

Final Monday of August! Hard to believe we’re winding down summer. This week is the kids’ last week of summer break – Little Dude loves school, so he’s ecstatic that school starts next week. Princess Nagger, not so much. Though since she does online school, it’s not as much crippling anxiety for her if she…

Monday’s Music Moves Me is having fun with Musical Acrostics and Root Beer!

Monday’s Music Moves Me is having fun with Musical Acrostics and Root Beer!

Monday sure seems to arrive faster each week, doesn’t it? At least Monday means music! For the month of August, our Spotlight Dancer is our bloggy friend and regular Monday’s Music Moves Me participant, John from The Sound of One Hand Typing! He has chosen the theme for this week, which is “Musical Acrostics! In…

Hey Child You Need To Calm Down and Hustle to the Main Attraction!

Hey Child You Need To Calm Down and Hustle to the Main Attraction!

The weekends just never seem long enough, do they? We had a major power outage on Friday – we’re thinking it was in connection with the earthquake the Seattle area had early Friday morning – a 4.6 followed by a 3.5 a short time later (and a bunch of aftershocks). There was lots of lamenting…

there’s Freedom while Every Girl in This Town sings her Fight Song as My Own Hero!

there’s Freedom while Every Girl in This Town sings her Fight Song as My Own Hero!

This will be an interesting week, with a holiday day on a Thursday, no? How many of you have taken Friday off to turn the one-day into a 4-day weekend? Meanwhile, it’s Monday, and Monday means music! For the month of July, our Spotlight Dancer is our bloggy friend and regular Monday’s Music Moves Me…