Celebrating Pi Day and St Patty’s Day and Lucky Charms with Coffee!
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Celebrating Pi Day and St Patty’s Day and Lucky Charms with Coffee!

You know what today is, don’t you? It’s Pi Day! So maybe I should make a pie like this to celebrate: I need to do something, right? Princess Nagger is all over the idea of a fresh baked pie. Better get busy! Speaking of Princess Nagger… She’s been a bit scarce in pictures lately, because…

Dental Smiles, Halloween Cheers and Tears, Teleportation with Coffee: RTT Rebel
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Dental Smiles, Halloween Cheers and Tears, Teleportation with Coffee: RTT Rebel

So you remember last week how poor Princess Nagger had to deal with a not-very-nice dentist last Monday who pretty much wrote her off? Or maybe you didn’t because I didn’t link up anywhere because my blog was dead due to a server malfunction at my hosting company. And when it finally came back online…