Night-Owls vs. Morning People
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Night-Owls vs. Morning People

Hard to believe summer is coming to an end.  Princess Nagger starts school in 1-1/2 weeks – she’s simultaneously looking forward to it and dreading it.  At least she’s very happy with the teacher she was assigned for fourth grade – according to her, the teacher she’s getting is “the nicest teacher in the whole…

Heat and Sleep, Ice Cream Fun, Compliment, BlogHer ’12 and I’m With Stupid – RTT Rebel
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Heat and Sleep, Ice Cream Fun, Compliment, BlogHer ’12 and I’m With Stupid – RTT Rebel

I want to start off by expressing my condolences to all the families of the victims of last week’s senseless Colorado shooting.  The victims’ legacies will no doubt live on through their friends and families. . We’re still ‘making do’ with the stupid heat and humidity – I’ll be glad when summer is over as…