Maxwell Smart Update; Wishing/Hoping for Snow; Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Maxwell Smart Update; Wishing/Hoping for Snow; Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Hello my favorite Tuesday peeps! January is just plugging along, only two weeks left of this month! Tomorrow Maxwell Smart will be 9 months old – he’s gotten so big, this is what he looked like when his puppy picture was posted for adoption – just shy of 8 weeks old: I knew when I…

Puppy Growth and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Puppy Growth and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

So – how are you all doing? Are they back to closing things down again in your neck of the woods? The four-phase opening here seems to have stalled, as our governor put the kibosh on the openings until the end of July because of the spiking of covid. As of today, we’re back to…

The New Puppy and a few Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts – better late than never!
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The New Puppy and a few Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts – better late than never!

Oh lordy, I’m sorry – I woke up this morning and realized I never wrote my RTT post yesterday! Normally I have my post all written and scheduled for 8pm liftoff on Monday evening – but life obviously got in the way, so better late than never, right? I mean, it is Tuesday, so… 😉…

School is Winding Down; New Puppy Coming; Un-Birthday and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday
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School is Winding Down; New Puppy Coming; Un-Birthday and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday

Second Tuesday of June! It doesn’t feel like June to me yet – how about you? Kids are in the final days of school – the oldest nerd’s last day is this Friday, the youngest nerd’s last day is next Friday. Though technically youngest nerd will be done this Friday, since his school is having…

The End of an Era – and Furbaby Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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The End of an Era – and Furbaby Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Those of you with furbabies know that this was a difficult week for sure. The end of an era, the last of the Sheltie duo had to cross over the Rainbow Bridge last week: The two original ‘Bloggy Doggies’ of my blog, since we got them as puppies a year after I started my blog….

Fuzzy Raymond Reddington; Funny Giggles; and Spring Clean Chatting with Coffee: RTT Rebel
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Fuzzy Raymond Reddington; Funny Giggles; and Spring Clean Chatting with Coffee: RTT Rebel

Meet the newest member of our family: The transportation was like a tag-team scenario with several dogs from several rescue locations over several states, so the pick up didn’t happen until late Sunday, but thankfully the hubby was willing to fly solo with Princess Nagger riding shotgun to pick up the puppy a couple hours…