Merry Christmas Eve with Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Merry Christmas Eve with Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone! What are your traditions on Christmas Eve? Do you unwrap one gift, no gifts, all the gifts? Do you have a special dinner today, to wait until tomorrow? Spill the tea! As for us, our tradition has always been to unwrap friends and family gifts on Christmas Eve, then “Santa” gifts…

Crazy Weekend in the ER and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Crazy Weekend in the ER and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

It’s Tuesday already? The days have sort of been blurring together since last Friday, to be honest. The weekend was a doozy, I tell ya! Friday morning around 10am, our oldest (formerly known as Princess Nagger) ended up in Urgent Care with severe abdominal pain and vomiting, and it wasn’t appendicitis since it was presenting…

Princess Nagger Turns 16 (I know, I’m still reeling from that myself!)

Princess Nagger Turns 16 (I know, I’m still reeling from that myself!)

Today my precious baby turns 16: How on God’s green earth has 16 years already sped by?! All this time I’ve searched long and hard, high and low for that elusive pause button, but alas and alack, it never materialized. You might be happy to know that the roads are still safe for you, since…

Princess Nagger’s Birthday Week and some Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Princess Nagger’s Birthday Week and some Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

This week is Princess Nagger’s Birthday Week! On Thursday she’ll be 16. SIXTEEN, people! I still remember the nesting mode I was in this week 16 years ago, awaiting her arrival. I really need to learn the art of not blinking – time is flying by way too fast! I’ve been in planning mode for…

First Day of School, Scam Email and Calls, and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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First Day of School, Scam Email and Calls, and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Well whaddayaknow – today is the first day of school! How on earth did the summer fly by so fast?! So today (Tuesday) Little Dude starts 5th grade. And of course since I’m writing this to go live the night before (Monday night, in case you need to be reminded what time it is…heh!) I…

The Eve of Princess Nagger’s Birthday; Snow is Coming; Crazy Playground and Funny Cats: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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The Eve of Princess Nagger’s Birthday; Snow is Coming; Crazy Playground and Funny Cats: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Hard to believe that tomorrow (11/15) Princess Nagger turns 15. FIFTEEN, people!! Seems like yesterday she was football sized: She’ll be old enough to get a learner’s permit to learn how to drive – poor kid is in for a slightly more difficult learning experience, though, because all of our vehicles have manual transmissions. But…

School Year Ending, Job News and Dad News – plus Just Chillin’ with Coffee: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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School Year Ending, Job News and Dad News – plus Just Chillin’ with Coffee: Random Tuesday Thoughts

This is it, people! The last days of school for the year. I’m not sure if I should celebrate the end of the school year, or do the exact opposite because it’s the end of the school year…heh! Princess Nagger graduates 8th grade today – which means she’ll be in High School next year. High. School. Seems…