Hurricane Sandy 2 years later – @SaveTheChildren asks: Are You Prepared? (#GetReady #PANJ4Good)

Hurricane Sandy 2 years later – @SaveTheChildren asks: Are You Prepared? (#GetReady #PANJ4Good)

Hard to believe that today, October 29th, is the 2-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy’s U.S. landfall. We were inundated with so much wind and rain, we were worried that our 1817 farmhouse wouldn’t make it to its 200th birthday. We were pretty much in the center of the track of the storm, which didn’t look…

Sandy Clean Up, Rescued Wine, Headless Dino Port Sippers, Nobel Tidbit: RTT Rebel
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Sandy Clean Up, Rescued Wine, Headless Dino Port Sippers, Nobel Tidbit: RTT Rebel

  I have discovered that when you’re involuntarily disconnected from technology for any length of time and are stuck in that ‘hurry-up-and-wait’ mode, it’s hard to get caught up and get back into the groove once you get reconnected.  But I’ll get there.  We’re slowly but surely getting things cleaned up after pesky Sandy –…

Frankenstorm Power Outage Thwarts Halloween
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Frankenstorm Power Outage Thwarts Halloween

I had envisioned an entirely different post for today with it being Halloween, but Hurricane Sandy (aka Frankenstorm) had other plans.  We lost power Monday night around 9:00pm, and at the time I’m typing this, we still don’t have power (and our basement has been pumped out twice by our local awesome fire company, with…

Power Play: The One Where Met-Ed Held Our Power Hostage for 27 Hours
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Power Play: The One Where Met-Ed Held Our Power Hostage for 27 Hours

The Power Company, also known in these parts as Met-Ed (First Energy), pulled a power play on us last week.  Last Tuesday, as a matter of fact.  Just as I was getting ready to fix Little Dude a hot breakfast and get myself a cup of coffee to get started on visiting all my RTT…