Embarrassing Princess Nagger about Monthly Maintenance thanks to U by Kotex Tween

Embarrassing Princess Nagger about Monthly Maintenance thanks to U by Kotex Tween

Poor Princess Nagger.  As she speeds towards her next milestone birthday where she’ll officially be a Tween, I keep regaling her with everything she’ll be expecting as she grows and transforms into a woman.  She is not amused. We’ve already geared up to have the talk, initiated the talk, covered how to be prepared for…

Mother-Daughter Bonding with a Side of Eye-Rolling – “The Talk” Continues…

Mother-Daughter Bonding with a Side of Eye-Rolling – “The Talk” Continues…

A parents, we look forward to all the milestones our kids will experience – first word, first tooth, learning to talk, learning to walk, and the list goes on.  It’s amazing how fast time flies when you actually have a child that, just by watching them grow, ‘marks time’ for you with all these milestones. …