it’s Sweater Weather so i’m all Wrapped Up with Winter Things singing the White Winter Hymnal

it’s Sweater Weather so i’m all Wrapped Up with Winter Things singing the White Winter Hymnal

Hello, Monday peeps! We’ve been having really cold temps here in the Pacific Northwest – but at least the rain has gone away, so while we’re freezing over here, at least the sun is shining! And we might get some snow next weekend – I love snow, so I’m all for it! Since it is…

Please Santa Please I Don’t Know What Christmas Is (But Christmastime Is Here), and the Little Drummer Boy is (hopefully) not on the Naughty List!

Please Santa Please I Don’t Know What Christmas Is (But Christmastime Is Here), and the Little Drummer Boy is (hopefully) not on the Naughty List!

It’s here, it’s here, it’s finally here! It’s Christmas week! Am I ready? Heck no! But that’s OK, I will be. I have the rest of today to try to get all of the presents wrapped. Wish me luck! Meanwhile, it is Monday; you know that Monday means music! This week is a freebie week,…

how about a Winter Song about Winter Things maybe a White Winter Hymnal because we’re heading to Colder Weather

how about a Winter Song about Winter Things maybe a White Winter Hymnal because we’re heading to Colder Weather

Hello, Monday peeps – sheesh! We’re already halfway through November! Only a month and a half left of this year! Wasn’t it just New Year like yesterday? Since it is Monday, that, of course, means music! This week’s theme was chosen by our very own leader, Marie at XmasDolly, who suggested that we “come up with…

it’s Expensive to Stay Drunk when i go Anywhere For You – Bubbles Up!

it’s Expensive to Stay Drunk when i go Anywhere For You – Bubbles Up!

Monday has arrived, and this particular Monday is a little more tolerable since we had our stolen hour returned. I don’t know about you, but I’d prefer to stay on Standard Time all year round and not have to change the clocks twice a year! As you know, Monday means music! This week is a…

Small Town Christmas where you can hear a Pin Drop and hear Honest Christmas Songs Over The River

Small Town Christmas where you can hear a Pin Drop and hear Honest Christmas Songs Over The River

December has arrived, and this week is an extra special week, because it’s my birthday week! Nothing special planned, other than the usual birthday dinner out – which will be either Friday or Saturday night, so I can go to my favorite local restaurant when they only serve prime rib on Friday and Saturday. I…

gonna Party in the U.S.A. Unapologetically with a M-e-d-l-e-y of the Hillbilly Jedi at a Party For Two where we’ll Keep On Dancin’ – I Bet My Life Na Na Na!

gonna Party in the U.S.A. Unapologetically with a M-e-d-l-e-y of the Hillbilly Jedi at a Party For Two where we’ll Keep On Dancin’ – I Bet My Life Na Na Na!

Seems we have already arrived to the last Monday of October – how’d that happen? Being that it is Monday, you know that Monday means music! For the month of October, our Spotlight Dancer is our friend and regular MMMM participant (and fabulous contributor), John from The Sound of One Hand Typing! The theme selected…

traveling the Old Town Road with Higher Love just Like A Lady sippin’ on Tennessee Whiskey i’ll Drink You Away

traveling the Old Town Road with Higher Love just Like A Lady sippin’ on Tennessee Whiskey i’ll Drink You Away

Monday has arrived – final Monday of April! And since it is Monday, that means music! For the month of April, our Spotlight Dancer is our friend and regular participant of Monday’s Music Moves Me, Driller’s Place! The theme selected for this week is “In honor of our middle grand daughter’s 21st birthday (April 16)…