One Week In 2021 It’s Time to Go TOGETHER with our Head Up High

One Week In 2021 It’s Time to Go TOGETHER with our Head Up High

The first 10 days of 2021 have already been a wild ride, don’t you think? Not sure I’m a fan of this new year yet…how about you? Meanwhile it’s Monday, and of course Monday means music! This week is a freebie week, so feel free to grab your favorite tune(s) and come dance with us,…

In the End If That Ain’t God, i’d be Bored in USA – and Knee Deep!

In the End If That Ain’t God, i’d be Bored in USA – and Knee Deep!

Can you believe we’re halfway through July this week? You know how it always feels like the years fly by? Well 2020 is simultaneously flying by whilst still crawling at a snail’s pace. Meanwhile, it’s Monday, and Monday means music – this week is a freebie week, so grab your favorite tune(s), and come dance…

Didn’t I avoid Heartbreak Weather with the Homecoming Queen, but This Is Us with Songs for Social Distancing!

Didn’t I avoid Heartbreak Weather with the Homecoming Queen, but This Is Us with Songs for Social Distancing!

Is it just me, or does life seem to be surreal right now? This pandemic makes it hard to focus – with the lurking thought of “when will someone I know and love end up with this virus?” – especially when there are so many out there that don’t seem to understand how bad this…