Camping Fun on a Pontoon with One More Drinkin’ Song for Summertime and RTT Rebel Coffee Chat.
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Camping Fun on a Pontoon with One More Drinkin’ Song for Summertime and RTT Rebel Coffee Chat.

The long weekend is coming to a close – at the time of this typing, we’re getting ready to head out to go camping this weekend. I’m being proactive and scheduling this post, because when we drag ourselves home from a weekend of tent camping and marshmallow roasting, I’m going to be too brain and…

Sun Daze when i’m Day Drinking gotta Shake It Off because I’m To Blame but It Feels Good!

Sun Daze when i’m Day Drinking gotta Shake It Off because I’m To Blame but It Feels Good!

Monday has arrived with little fanfare. As usual, the weekend went by way too fast – speaking of fast, I realized today that there’s only 6-1/2 weeks left of school for the minions. Princess Nagger is happy about that, especially since all the boring stuff is coming to an end, and her class will get…

Supertide of the Century, The Accidental Wedding Invitee, and an Age Question: RTT Rebel with Coffee
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Supertide of the Century, The Accidental Wedding Invitee, and an Age Question: RTT Rebel with Coffee

Here we are at Tuesday, and I’m wholly unprepared for it to be Tuesday. The kids have early dismissal today, so you know my afternoon will be inundated with refereeing the kids. Could be worse, though, luckily it’s only 2 munchkins to referee so if it gets too crazy they can retreat to their opposite…

Super Bowl Disappointment, a Haunted Mansion and some Hilarity – Random Tuesday Thoughts Coffee Chat
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Super Bowl Disappointment, a Haunted Mansion and some Hilarity – Random Tuesday Thoughts Coffee Chat

Lord love a duck. The Super Bowl, people! Disappointed we lost, of course, but at least it was a good game. I don’t think the game would have been quite as enjoyable if either team had pulled off a huge lead and kept it there throughout the game – it was nicer having it more…

All About a Shed and Coffee Chat Fun with Friends – Not Quite Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel
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All About a Shed and Coffee Chat Fun with Friends – Not Quite Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel

This past week went by in a blur – apparently I’m still blinking when I shouldn’t be. My apologies to my random peeps and Coffee Chatterers in my absence last week, I’ll be attempting to catch up this week by doing some double dipping. It would probably be more fun if it were skinny dipping….

The Magic Within: Barbie And The Secret Door (#BarbieSecretDoor #sponsored #mc)
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The Magic Within: Barbie And The Secret Door (#BarbieSecretDoor #sponsored #mc)

Those who know me know that I am a Barbie fanatic. I’ve been collecting Barbie’s since the late 80’s early 90’s. Which means that I had over 400+ Barbie’s at one time – something that made my dedicated friends question my sanity, especially that one time they moved me and my Barbies to a third…