Bohemian Chanukah doesn’t include a Box of Rocks for Hamidolph Ho Ho Ho!

Bohemian Chanukah doesn’t include a Box of Rocks for Hamidolph Ho Ho Ho!

I’m going to keep my intro short, since it’s been a very busy weekend, since my birthday was yesterday (Sunday), and my mom had a birthday celebration for me, my brother, and my sister (my brother and sister are twins, their birthday is on Wednesday – I know, it was always crazy having 3 out…

A to Z Challenge: The Great Theme Reveal!

A to Z Challenge: The Great Theme Reveal!

Well, hello there! Guess what I decided to do for the first time ever? Participate in the A-Z Blogging Challenge for April! I know, right?! It’s going to be a fun month, though – I’m looking forward to hopping around and meeting new people, and commiserating with bloggy friends I’ve known throughout the years of…

Marvin Gaye will Run Away With You so Save It for a Rainy Day that Fight Song
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Marvin Gaye will Run Away With You so Save It for a Rainy Day that Fight Song

Heading into the final two weeks before school starts! I know, many of you have your kids already in school. When I was a kid, school always started after Labor Day – I’m glad it’s still the same in this state as it was when I was a kid here. That gives us some time…

Better in Boots Until They Don’t Love You, so just Buy Me A Boat because Anything Goes!
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Better in Boots Until They Don’t Love You, so just Buy Me A Boat because Anything Goes!

Hard to believe we’re winding down the summer – didn’t it just start yesterday? So many things are going to be crammed into the next three weeks now that the hubby is officially on his summer break now, too. Let the games begin! In other words, I might be even more scarce than normal the…

it’s a Crying Game when you get your Feet Wet at a House Party – but Honey, I’m Good.

it’s a Crying Game when you get your Feet Wet at a House Party – but Honey, I’m Good.

Hello Monday! We finally got a little bit of rain this past weekend – I know, those of you who have preconceived notions about it raining all the time  in Seattle figure it’s not really newsworthy. Except that it is this year.  We’re in the midst of one of the hottest and driest summers in…

Invincible in Real Life because Love Is Your Name so I Love This Life!

Invincible in Real Life because Love Is Your Name so I Love This Life!

Here we are, the mid-point of June and on the cusp of summer break for the kids. Some of you have already started summer break, today is the last Monday of the school year for my kids – they, of course, wish they were already  done. I’m looking forward to the absence of crazy get-’em-up-and-out-the-door…

The Nights Beat This Summer on a Pontoon Chasing The Sun on the Riverbank because it’s Summertime!

The Nights Beat This Summer on a Pontoon Chasing The Sun on the Riverbank because it’s Summertime!

Did you notice? June has arrived! We’ve been enjoying beautiful sunny and warm days – I know, you doubters out there think I’m telling tall tales being that it always rains in Seattle, right? It does, but only when tourists come to town. It’s like magic. Speaking of magic – this week’s theme for Monday’s…