Most Girls won’t Strip That Down when you Cut To The Feeling with a HandClap!

Most Girls won’t Strip That Down when you Cut To The Feeling with a HandClap!

Hello Monday! I’m still dealing with some pain, swelling and bruising, but all of that is diminishing day by day. Only another 2-1/2 weeks until the moritoriam of me not being allowed to lift anything over 10 pounds will finally be lifted – and I suspect then I’ll finally be able to abandon the recliner…

Most Girls are Walking The Wire with What Ifs but Life’s About To Get Good!

Most Girls are Walking The Wire with What Ifs but Life’s About To Get Good!

So we’ve been dealing with some major heat, but we escaped this weekend for some camping fun in the mountains – the nice thing is, even though it was still pushing 100 degrees (I know, right? In the mountains?!) it didn’t feel that hot, though, because I picked out a fabulous campsite full of nice, tall,…