Kick The Dust Up in this Ghosttown in a Trans Am with John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16

Kick The Dust Up in this Ghosttown in a Trans Am with John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16

Holy heatwave! For an area that supposedly always rains, we’ve had an extremely dry and hot month of June. Getting a little worried about the whole fireworks scenario this upcoming weekend, especially if the county doesn’t end up cutting the waist-high dry grass in the lot next door that’s a dry-as-a-bone drain-field, and next to that…

Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel: The Return… Again

Did you miss me?  It seems like forever ago since I’ve done a ‘regular’ post, hasn’t it?  Well, you know, since yesterday.   I appreciate all of you who have been hanging in there waiting patiently for me to get my act together and return to the familiar and intriguingly comforting sound of the click-clack of…

Princess Nagger’s Fuzzy New Ears
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Princess Nagger’s Fuzzy New Ears

If you’ve been reading me for a while, you know that Princess Nagger has a penchant for sporting cute fuzzy ears.  Recently she begged, pleaded, cajoled and negotiated to get a new pair she discovered on Etsy.  Being that her negotiation tactics were successful, I wanted her to pose in them for me to share…

Heat and Sleep, Ice Cream Fun, Compliment, BlogHer ’12 and I’m With Stupid – RTT Rebel
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Heat and Sleep, Ice Cream Fun, Compliment, BlogHer ’12 and I’m With Stupid – RTT Rebel

I want to start off by expressing my condolences to all the families of the victims of last week’s senseless Colorado shooting.  The victims’ legacies will no doubt live on through their friends and families. . We’re still ‘making do’ with the stupid heat and humidity – I’ll be glad when summer is over as…