let’s do The Twist or maybe Mambo No 5 is more your speed – but we can get crazy with the Macarena and Hoedown Throwdown!

let’s do The Twist or maybe Mambo No 5 is more your speed – but we can get crazy with the Macarena and Hoedown Throwdown!

Crazy how the weather’s been all over the country, isn’t it? My thoughts are with those in the path of Hurricane Harvey. We’re ramping up into yet another 10 day forecast of high temperatures during the day, but at least this time of year we’ll get a bit of a cool-down at night, making for…

American Saturday Night i was Born In The U.S.A., so let’s Party In The U.S.A. with a Red Solo Cup!
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American Saturday Night i was Born In The U.S.A., so let’s Party In The U.S.A. with a Red Solo Cup!

July is here.  Can you believe it?  Lots of people tend to take vacation this week because of the 4th of July – picnics, parties, and lots of fireworks, celebrating 241 years of Independence.  This week’s Monday’s Music Moves Me theme is of course songs of Independence, picnics and celebration of the holiday for 4th…

it’s a Choctaw County Affair in Malibu – or is it the City of Angels? or perhaps Barcelona!

it’s a Choctaw County Affair in Malibu – or is it the City of Angels? or perhaps Barcelona!

Monday has arrived! But you don’t need me to tell you that, do you? It’s the first full week of the kids’ summer break, and guess what we’re doing tomorrow? Driving 90 minutes for their doctor’s appointments. I know, I’m such a rock star kicking off their summer with some fun, right? (evil grin) Meanwhile,…

Made in the U.S.A.: American Soldier and All American Girl are American Kids that are gonna Party In The U.S.A. because It’s America!

Made in the U.S.A.: American Soldier and All American Girl are American Kids that are gonna Party In The U.S.A. because It’s America!

Happy 4th of July! Since Monday’s Music Moves Me lands on the 4th this week, it’s perfect that our bloggy buddy and former (and currently fill-in) co-conductor as well as this week’s Spotlight Dancer Cathy of Curious As A Cathy chose the theme for this week as “Songs with America in the title or patriotic tunes!” Let’s…

We Can’t Stop swinging on the Chandelier so Take Your Time on a Heartbeat Piece By Piece

We Can’t Stop swinging on the Chandelier so Take Your Time on a Heartbeat Piece By Piece

Leap Year! Today’s our extra day for the year. Now if only there’d actually be extra time, we’d be all set…heh. Last week went by in a blur, doctor appointments for Little Dude, then an extra unexpected one when he had an unfortunate altercation with a pole on the playground and cracked his skull open….

on a Silent Night Santa Claus Is Coming To Town but Every Day Is A Holiday with the Chanukah Song and a Celtic Carol!

on a Silent Night Santa Claus Is Coming To Town but Every Day Is A Holiday with the Chanukah Song and a Celtic Carol!

And here we are, a mere 18-ish days from Christmas. I am so not ready. I haven’t even put up the Christmas decor yet – first a sinus infection then rain rain rain has thrown a wrench in all my plans. I’ll probably do a slimmer version this year – they do say ‘less is…

Shut Me Up and Kiss Me Quiet because i’m Confident and i’m gonna Love Myself!

Shut Me Up and Kiss Me Quiet because i’m Confident and i’m gonna Love Myself!

Why do weekends seem to go by so fast? Yeah, I know – ‘time flies when you’re having fun’, right? At least Monday doesn’t have to be as mundane as normally perceived, what with some music to thwart the mundane mode. This week is a freebie, so grab your favorite tune and let’s get this…