Love Me Like You Mean It, My Mistake – I Love This Life because It Feels Good!

Love Me Like You Mean It, My Mistake – I Love This Life because It Feels Good!

Monday has arrived once again, much to the chagrin of many. Last week was an off week, what with the kids being off school for most of the week, so I was kind of off the grid interwebs-wise not parked in front of my computer. I think a few of my virtual friends were ready to…

Old Alabama is a Redneck Paradise All Summer Long – it’s Sweet Home Alabama, not Somethin’ Bad!

Old Alabama is a Redneck Paradise All Summer Long – it’s Sweet Home Alabama, not Somethin’ Bad!

It’s June already?! How’d that happen? The kids only have 2-1/2 weeks of school left (unlike out East who are either already done or finishing their snow make-up days this week. Out here on the left coast they don’t start school in August, but get to wait until after Labor Day in September…hence the later end…