Little Dude Turns 14 with Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Little Dude Turns 14 with Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

We have arrived at November! How is that even possible? The weeks feel like they drag on forever – in fact, I mentioned to someone at the end of the day yesterday (Monday – today/Monday if you’re reading this before midnight) “Today sure was a long week!” which means we’re kicking off November already crazy…

Snow, Crazy Hair, and Funnies – It’s Good to be Random: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Snow, Crazy Hair, and Funnies – It’s Good to be Random: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Here we are, the final Tuesday of February! And once again, the weeks are speeding by way too fast for my preference. I’m still constantly on the hunt for that ‘pause’ button – anyone have any leads on that? In two weeks we’ll be dealing with one hour less per day – I’m not a…

First Day of School, Scam Email and Calls, and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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First Day of School, Scam Email and Calls, and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Well whaddayaknow – today is the first day of school! How on earth did the summer fly by so fast?! So today (Tuesday) Little Dude starts 5th grade. And of course since I’m writing this to go live the night before (Monday night, in case you need to be reminded what time it is…heh!) I…

First Week of School Success and Random Funnies for Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel
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First Week of School Success and Random Funnies for Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel

Well, that’s it, then. Summer is officially (break-wise vs. calendar-wise) over. The kids have their first week of school under their belts, and a successful first week it was! Last year we got a call from Little Dude’s teacher on the second day – this year he managed to get through the first week without…

Mishmash Day Chatting with Coffee: RTT Rebel
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Mishmash Day Chatting with Coffee: RTT Rebel

March has arrived! A busy month – we lose an hour a week from Sunday, the week after that is the first day of spring, and the week after that the kids have their Spring Break.  We’re kicking off the month of March with Early Dismissal today, tomorrow and Thursday – the wonderful world of…

Spring is Lurking; Genius Busy Board; Wizard Spider; Talking Lent with Coffee: RTT Rebel
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Spring is Lurking; Genius Busy Board; Wizard Spider; Talking Lent with Coffee: RTT Rebel

Last Tuesday of February! Next month is March-ing around the corner. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Well, I could  but chose not  to. Heh. That also means that spring is lurking right around the corner, and with spring comes Parent/Teacher conferences and spring break. Which in the whole scheme of things is an indicator that this…