We Were Over Drinking with The Good Ones while Leaving Love Behind

We Were Over Drinking with The Good Ones while Leaving Love Behind

Those of you with furbabies know that this was a difficult week for sure. The end of an era, the last of the Sheltie duo had to cross over the Rainbow Bridge this past week: The two original ‘Bloggy Doggies’ of my blog, since we got them as puppies a year after I started my…

I Don’t Care if it’s Southbound, i want to spend the Summertime on a Pontoon!

I Don’t Care if it’s Southbound, i want to spend the Summertime on a Pontoon!

As you know, it’s been a rough couple of weeks, but things will get better. My dad’s memorial service was last Thursday, and the pastor that officiated did a fabulous job. The church provided space and food for a gathering after the service – there were lots of people that showed up in support of…

you don’t have to give in to Peer Pressure when you’re Here With Me i’ll give you 123456 reasons to love The Daughters

you don’t have to give in to Peer Pressure when you’re Here With Me i’ll give you 123456 reasons to love The Daughters

I hope you all had a Happy Easter! We kept things low key this year, though I did make my infamous ham for dinner, and we finally colored Easter Eggs yesterday. Nothing like waiting until literally the last minute to do that! But everyone had fun – that’s the important part. Meanwhile, it’s Monday, and Monday…

Don’t Go Breaking My Heart with Summer Fever when I Hate Love Songs it’s Simple

Don’t Go Breaking My Heart with Summer Fever when I Hate Love Songs it’s Simple

The school year has come to a close! Well, Little Dude has a whole whopping 2 hours on his final day today – I know they have to have a specific number of hours for the school year, but you’d think they’d give up one or two hours from ‘Teacher Inservice’ days to eliminate that…

she’s a Brown Eyed Girl at a Little White Church drinking Red Red Wine because Blue Ain’t Your Color

she’s a Brown Eyed Girl at a Little White Church drinking Red Red Wine because Blue Ain’t Your Color

For quite a number of us, this is a 3-day weekend. 3-1/2 for the hubby since he came home early on Friday, and a 4-day weekend for Little Dude who stayed home sick from school on Friday. Poor guy, there goes his ‘perfect attendance’ for the year. Of course I had one of those moments…

Mary Did You Know What Christmas Means To Me so Deck The Halls because Santa’s Coming For Us

Mary Did You Know What Christmas Means To Me so Deck The Halls because Santa’s Coming For Us

December has arrived! It truly is my favorite time of year – not just because my birthday is next Saturday, and Christmas is just mere weeks away… Oh, who am I kidding? That’s exactly why December is my favorite month of the year! Because it’s December, as is our tradition the theme for Monday’s Music…

think i’ll Buy Me A Boat – maybe a Pontoon or Two Black Cadillacs…but there’s Somethin’ ‘Bout A Truck!

think i’ll Buy Me A Boat – maybe a Pontoon or Two Black Cadillacs…but there’s Somethin’ ‘Bout A Truck!

We made it through the weekend of stormy weather! So. Much. Rain. But nothing compared to what others got with hurricanes and such. Mother Nature really does seem to be going through some major menopausal symptoms with the weather – hot-cold-hot she’s been doling out all over. Rain or no rain, I’m happy it’s finally…