Just Another Random Tuesday after a Manic Monday: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Just Another Random Tuesday after a Manic Monday: Random Tuesday Thoughts

So yeah. It’s Tuesday. I’m awake! Well, OK, I’ve been awake for a few hours now, getting used to getting up ultra early to see the hubby off to work, then do some work of my own in the quiet hours of the morning. Right now I’m in desperate need for more coffee, but I…

Kitty Jenga; Alien Eyesight; Questionable Shoes; and Winning with Coffee Chat: Random Tuesday
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Kitty Jenga; Alien Eyesight; Questionable Shoes; and Winning with Coffee Chat: Random Tuesday

Do you ever have a day where you sit down with a rash of creative thoughts only to put fingers to keyboard and *poof!* those creative thoughts convert into a big blank nothing? Yeah. That’s what’s happening right this very moment with me. Ooops. Look! A shiny object! Literally: Princess Nagger and the hubby created…

Bad Blood just Shake It Off in my Little Red Wagon because that’s One Hell Of An Amen!

Bad Blood just Shake It Off in my Little Red Wagon because that’s One Hell Of An Amen!

We’re winding down a three-day weekend of outdoor fun, which means we’ve been in mostly disconnect mode as we enjoy the great outdoors here in the Pacific Northwest. Since I’m pre-scheduling this post to go live when I’m disconnected, hopefully Mother Nature was kind to us and didn’t rain on our parade. I’ll let you…

Viva Las Vegas… or The Biggest Little City in the World – Reno?
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Viva Las Vegas… or The Biggest Little City in the World – Reno?

When I lived in Seattle my friends and I would save our money and plan random weekend getaways to Reno.  It was always fun, we’d each plan a budget on how much money we could afford to lose, and only play with that amount, never hitting the ATM if we lost. We were evenly divided…