Never Comin’ Down because Love Wins – Dear God i wish i was Younger!

Never Comin’ Down because Love Wins – Dear God i wish i was Younger!

Well, here it is Labor Day weekend, which technically marks the end of summer. Little Dude starts back to school on Tuesday, and Princess Nagger starts Wednesday. Where did the time go? Although fall is my favorite season, so I’m looking forward to the air being crisp and clean and the leaves changing to vibrant…

Welcome to the 4th Grade here’s an Education Song because I’m Your Teacher about to Lose My Mind Workin’ For A Livin’

Welcome to the 4th Grade here’s an Education Song because I’m Your Teacher about to Lose My Mind Workin’ For A Livin’

It’s happening. Summer break is (mostly) coming to an end. School starts this week for the kids, so we’ll be back on a regular schedule vs. the days merging together and always thinking it’s a different day than it actually is. Do you find you do that during the summer months? I’m going to assume…

it’s another Manic Monday just Workin’ For A Livin’ but All I Wanna Do is Fly!

it’s another Manic Monday just Workin’ For A Livin’ but All I Wanna Do is Fly!

Well, this is it – the last day of summer break for the kids – tomorrow they start the new year. It also means today is the day Princess Nagger and I will be traveling pretty much all day heading home from the tropics. Since we don’t get in until late tonight, that means the…

Nintendo’s Tomodachi Life is Hilarious and Fun! (@BestBuy #NintendoatBestBuy)
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Nintendo’s Tomodachi Life is Hilarious and Fun! (@BestBuy #NintendoatBestBuy)

If you like playing video games, there’s a new one out you really should check out. Tomodachi Life has become Princess Nagger and my newest addiction. Doesn’t that look cute? It seems to be the only game in recent days that actually pulls her away from Minecraft, Spore and Pokemon – so that’s saying a…