School is Winding Down; New Puppy Coming; Un-Birthday and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday
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School is Winding Down; New Puppy Coming; Un-Birthday and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday

Second Tuesday of June! It doesn’t feel like June to me yet – how about you? Kids are in the final days of school – the oldest nerd’s last day is this Friday, the youngest nerd’s last day is next Friday. Though technically youngest nerd will be done this Friday, since his school is having…

Random Funnies and talking Christmas Preparedness with Coffee – RTT Rebel
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Random Funnies and talking Christmas Preparedness with Coffee – RTT Rebel

The chaos continues! But you know what’s not chaotic? The house is being kept nice and clean! Usually the kids and hubby end up leaving stuff laying around that I either pretend isn’t there until they either take care of it, or I get tired of seeing it there and I take care of it….

Kitty Jenga; Alien Eyesight; Questionable Shoes; and Winning with Coffee Chat: Random Tuesday
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Kitty Jenga; Alien Eyesight; Questionable Shoes; and Winning with Coffee Chat: Random Tuesday

Do you ever have a day where you sit down with a rash of creative thoughts only to put fingers to keyboard and *poof!* those creative thoughts convert into a big blank nothing? Yeah. That’s what’s happening right this very moment with me. Ooops. Look! A shiny object! Literally: Princess Nagger and the hubby created…