don’t Drag Me Down with Cheap Wine and Cigarettes let’s go High Class so i can be Drunk On Your Love but not Drink You Away

don’t Drag Me Down with Cheap Wine and Cigarettes let’s go High Class so i can be Drunk On Your Love but not Drink You Away

We’re getting into the time of year where things start getting even busier than they’ve already been. I know, right? Busier? GAH! Last week was Little Dude’s birthday, Princess Nagger’s birthday is next weekend, then Thanksgiving then my birthday then Christmas – so needless to say, way too much gets crammed into the months leading…

Shut Me Up and Kiss Me Quiet because i’m Confident and i’m gonna Love Myself!

Shut Me Up and Kiss Me Quiet because i’m Confident and i’m gonna Love Myself!

Why do weekends seem to go by so fast? Yeah, I know – ‘time flies when you’re having fun’, right? At least Monday doesn’t have to be as mundane as normally perceived, what with some music to thwart the mundane mode. This week is a freebie, so grab your favorite tune and let’s get this…