(CLOSED) Origami Owl TAGGED is Empowering and Inspirational (Review and Giveaway)

(CLOSED) Origami Owl TAGGED is Empowering and Inspirational (Review and Giveaway)

I love unique jewelry – probably because I’m unique.  So naturally, when I was contacted to review the new TAGGED line of Origami Owl jewelry, I was honored.  Here’s the background of the new line: Origami Owl, a social selling brand best known for its unique line of customizable jewelry, and its flagship line, Living…

In My Daughter’s Eyes, I am a Guardian – where My Best Days Are Ahead Of Me Just Fishin’ while I Catch My Breath
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In My Daughter’s Eyes, I am a Guardian – where My Best Days Are Ahead Of Me Just Fishin’ while I Catch My Breath

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend.  Ours was pretty low key aside from me cooking a ginormous feast that we all enjoyed.  I love Thanksgiving leftovers – for some reason, as leftovers go, those particular ones don’t seem to be redundant.  Probably because you can transform them into a variety of yummy…