Racing Towards Valentine’s Day with Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Racing Towards Valentine’s Day with Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Tuesday is here once again! I like Tuesday. It has no negative annotation with it, really. Monday is despised because it’s… well… Monday. Wednesday is the middle of the week, aka hump day, Thursday is technically ‘Friday Eve,’ and Friday is… well… Friday, the day everyone loves. Tuesday’s just another day of the week that…

Groundhog Saw His Shadow; Winter Continues with Snow; Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Groundhog Saw His Shadow; Winter Continues with Snow; Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Hello my favorite Tuesday peeps! We made it to February – apparently, the groundhog saw his shadow on Sunday, so the remaining 6 weeks of winter that is already on the calendar is still in effect. 😉 We’ve finally been getting some snow – more of a teaser than anything else. It starts off as…

Man Colds; Train Shenanigans; and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Man Colds; Train Shenanigans; and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Hello my favorite Tuesday peeps! Here we are, the last week of January! Is it just me, or has January been a long year already? My sister is making progress every day – she’s bound and determined to get herself to a point where she can finally leave the hospital. Love that determination! The hubby’s…

All Random Funnies All The Time: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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All Random Funnies All The Time: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Happy Tuesday that feels like a Monday… sort of! I ended up doing some work yesterday, even though I should have had the day off. At least I did get to enjoy a ‘no alarm’ day, so there’s that. 😉 My sister continues to improve, which is great news; she’s working hard to get to…

Racing through January with Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Racing through January with Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

And we’re off to the races! It’s the middle of January, and work is back to cray-cray again. Since I’m currently on the phone with my sis (shhh!) and have eight out of eighty transactions remaining to code and reconcile for one of my clients tonight, we’re just going to jump right into the funnies….

Kicking Off the New Year with Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Kicking Off the New Year with Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Happy New Year, my favorite Tuesday peeps! Anyone else a little melancholy that all the fun (albeit hectic) holiday season is now over? I love all the festivities (even the hustle and bustle) of November and December. When January rolls around, it’s kind of sad because it’s a long time before we have any significant…

So Much To Do, So Little Time – and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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So Much To Do, So Little Time – and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Whelp, another week has sped on by, and I’m no closer to being ready for Christmas than I was a week ago. Or two weeks ago. Or, you know, a month ago. Whoopsie! Looks like I’ll be scrambling at the eleventh hour again this year, frantically wrapping presents. I wrap all the presents (family, friends,…