Substitutions, Gurus, Fear and Empowerment – just some Fun Friendly Fill-Ins on a Friday!

Substitutions, Gurus, Fear and Empowerment – just some Fun Friendly Fill-Ins on a Friday!

It’s time once again for some Friday fill-in fun, the perfect way to wrap up the week and kick off the weekend! The hubby started his summer break earlier this week – so I’m a little late getting to this, which means I’m in a hurry and discombobulated on which day of the week it is…heh!…

Best Buy Helps You Realize Your Dream Kitchen with #KitchenAid @BestBuy!

Best Buy Helps You Realize Your Dream Kitchen with #KitchenAid @BestBuy!

One of these days I’m hoping we’ll have a chance to remodel our current kitchen, or buy a house that already has my dream kitchen. You know what would make it an even dreamier dream? Having that kitchen full of awesome KitchenAid appliances from Best Buy! I absolutely love to cook – I’ve been doing even more experimentation…

Not Quite Ready for Christmas, Santa’s Cover is Blown, Gordon Ramsay needs a haircut: RTT Rebel
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Not Quite Ready for Christmas, Santa’s Cover is Blown, Gordon Ramsay needs a haircut: RTT Rebel

Had to post that song, you know, in case you hadn’t heard enough Christmas music by now and needed a reminder that TOMORROW IS CHRISTMAS EVE!! And, you know, hopefully you’re ready. I am and I’m not. If that makes sense. I think (hope) I’ve finished all the shopping, and this afternoon I’ll (hopefully) finish…

Last Minute Gift Ideas – Celebrate the Holidays with Darden Restaurants
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Last Minute Gift Ideas – Celebrate the Holidays with Darden Restaurants

Once upon a time, before kids, the hubby and I used to make it a point to go out to eat at a nice restaurant once a month.  Sometimes more often, when we were celebrating birthdays and special events with friends, but at the very minimum we’d have our own ‘date night’ and treat ourselves…