Girl in a Country Song is Day Drinking Rum in a Blank Space

Girl in a Country Song is Day Drinking Rum in a Blank Space

Winter break is over! Princess Nagger is not too pleased with that, though, she’s still not happy about being subjected to going to school every day. I know, right? I have a lot of patience, but I don’t think I’d have the patience to home-school her. Besides, I get way more done when I have…

Somewhere In My Car with Moonshine In The Trunk, there’s a Girl In A Country Song with a Tattoo.

Somewhere In My Car with Moonshine In The Trunk, there’s a Girl In A Country Song with a Tattoo.

Hello Monday – why must your arrival be so swift? Only one more month until school starts for my minions… but who’s counting? Since it’s Monday, that means music – everyone likes music, right? It’s a freebie week, so let’s get on with the fun! Let’s start off with an artist who seems to be…