Girl in a Country Song is Day Drinking Rum in a Blank Space

Girl in a Country Song is Day Drinking Rum in a Blank Space

Winter break is over! Princess Nagger is not too pleased with that, though, she’s still not happy about being subjected to going to school every day. I know, right? I have a lot of patience, but I don’t think I’d have the patience to home-school her. Besides, I get way more done when I have…

Get Your Shine On for a Good Time on a Pontoon – Am I The Only One that thinks Gravity Is a B**ch?
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Get Your Shine On for a Good Time on a Pontoon – Am I The Only One that thinks Gravity Is a B**ch?

Guess what boys and girls? It’s time for some celebrating! Today marks our 200th anniversary of Monday’s Music Moves Me! Seriously – 200 weeks? How’d that happen? And, because we’re in a celebratory mood, we want to reward all you awesome participants with not one, but five different giveaways that you are able to enter,…

The Cello Song lets you Get Your Shine On the Open Road I’m Runnin’ Out Of Air so Tonight I’m Getting Over You… Stompa!
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The Cello Song lets you Get Your Shine On the Open Road I’m Runnin’ Out Of Air so Tonight I’m Getting Over You… Stompa!

March already?  How did that happen?  Those of you counting down the days until spring will be happy to know that the next 16 days will most likely speed by.  And for those of you tired of the winter weather and grumbling about the groundhog being wrong about spring arriving early, my apologies for wishing…