Whole Lotta Nothin’ when we’re Young & Crazy riding that Little Red Wagon until the Love Runs Out

Whole Lotta Nothin’ when we’re Young & Crazy riding that Little Red Wagon until the Love Runs Out

We’ve got the first full week of the new year under our belts – how are things going so far? I’m looking forward to 2015 being a great year. Or phenomenal. Whichever works. It’s Monday, and while Monday’s seem to be mundane, we can eliminate the blah mode by some great tunes, right? This week…

R.I.P. James Garner with Sunshine & Whiskey but What I Can’t Put Down is Rum because That’s Damn Rock & Roll

R.I.P. James Garner with Sunshine & Whiskey but What I Can’t Put Down is Rum because That’s Damn Rock & Roll

This weekend saw the sad passing of an amazing actor, James Garner. The son of an Oklahoma carpet layer, he was only 5 when his mom passed away, and he and his two brothers were split up to live with relatives for about a year until his dad remarried. His stepmother was one of those…

you’re Wild In Your Smile, Sweet Annie – you have a Helluva Life and Everything I Shouldn’t Be Thinking About… Roar!
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you’re Wild In Your Smile, Sweet Annie – you have a Helluva Life and Everything I Shouldn’t Be Thinking About… Roar!

Ah, Monday!  The perfect day to start the week with music, don’t you think?  This week’s theme is a freebie, so let’s go with the flow, shall we? We’ll start off with an artist who fairly recently released this as his third single, and as he hashes out a familiar story, his confidence is both…