The Wolf Spider and the Bottle of Febreze
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The Wolf Spider and the Bottle of Febreze

I have to get used to the different spiders here in Washington State vs. Pennsylvania – after having been gone from this state for 17 years, you forget those things. I was going to say I have to get ‘reacquainted’, but honestly I’d rather not. Some of those suckers here are ginormous! Like the one…

Febreze Delivers the Holidays Winner!

Febreze Delivers the Holidays Winner!

Remember I mentioned in a previous post about the Febreze Memory List Facebook Contest and the subsequent Memory List questions asking people to share their favorite holiday memories for a chance to be one of the Top 10 Best Memories? On December 24th, they announced the winner of their holiday contest, making one family’s dream…

Febreze Memory List – What Do You Remember?

Febreze Memory List – What Do You Remember?

Febreze is still going strong with their Holiday Memories fun – on December 3rd, they started sharing a Memory List on their Facebook page to highlight the most popular memories from their fans.  Febreze wants to excite people for the holidays by hearing their fans most cherished traditions. They want to hear about your favorite…

Febreze Best of Holidays Past – Win $10,000 and Special Holiday Memories of Home

Febreze Best of Holidays Past – Win $10,000 and Special Holiday Memories of Home

Living 3000 miles away from my family, the impending holidays can be a bit on the bittersweet side. Have you noticed that certain smells remind you of ‘home’?  Like the holiday meal cooking in the kitchen, or even something as simple as a candle burning with a specific scent. It’s amazing how a simple scent…

Smelly House… Or Not?
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Smelly House… Or Not?

I have a keen sense of smell.  Hubby’s the one with the bionic hearing, I’m the one with the bionic nose.  I think I’d rather have bionic hearing.  There are just some things you don’t want to smell. I’ve always been super careful about the smells in our house – with 2 dogs, 3 cats,…

Febreze Home Collection Wooden Wick Candles – Review and $15 Wal*Mart Gift Card Giveaway

Febreze Home Collection Wooden Wick Candles – Review and $15 Wal*Mart Gift Card Giveaway

Have you seen the new Febreze Home Collection Wooden Wick Candles? No fireplace, no problem. Breathe a sigh of relief because the new Febreze Home Collection Wooden Wick candle has you covered. Bring the calming crackle of a burning fire into your home anytime of year with 80 hours of “ahhhhhhhh.”