Aw Naw, he’s Redneck Crazy while she’s Better In A Black Dress… Ka-Ching!
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Aw Naw, he’s Redneck Crazy while she’s Better In A Black Dress… Ka-Ching!

Mother Nature has not been my friend.  She’s been inundating us with extreme heat and humidity, making my purge and pack mode go as slow as molasses, especially since it’s not getting cool at night (at all – I mean c’mon, 71 for a low?!) meaning the house also doesn’t have a chance to cool…

Menopausal Mother Nature is having Hot Flashes again, Front Porch Update and Wino Competition Results – Friday Fragments
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Menopausal Mother Nature is having Hot Flashes again, Front Porch Update and Wino Competition Results – Friday Fragments

This week went by extra fast – most likely because Princess Nagger was off school on Monday.  This is her very last full day of school for the year – she has to make an appearance for two whole hours on Monday (something about the total number of hours for the State requirements).  Her last…

Heat and Sleep, Ice Cream Fun, Compliment, BlogHer ’12 and I’m With Stupid – RTT Rebel
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Heat and Sleep, Ice Cream Fun, Compliment, BlogHer ’12 and I’m With Stupid – RTT Rebel

I want to start off by expressing my condolences to all the families of the victims of last week’s senseless Colorado shooting.  The victims’ legacies will no doubt live on through their friends and families. . We’re still ‘making do’ with the stupid heat and humidity – I’ll be glad when summer is over as…