Coolness Prevails, Dork Dog Perch, Funky Cat: Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel

Coolness Prevails, Dork Dog Perch, Funky Cat: Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel

Halfway through July already – what??!!  Sheesh! Summer is flying by too fast for my comfort level. Speaking of comfort level… We finally have central air! I know it’s not a big deal to many of you who have never been without it, but let me tell you what a treat it is after having…

Jinx Lifted, Murphy’s Law Retreats, Cool Cars, Dork Dog and Silly Cats – RTT Rebel

Jinx Lifted, Murphy’s Law Retreats, Cool Cars, Dork Dog and Silly Cats – RTT Rebel

The jinx has been lifted! Murphy and his Law have retreated! We have ignition. Trajectory nominal. Oh wait – we aren’t in space, are we? And I bet you are curious to know what the heck I’m talking about, right? Riiiiiiiiiight.  Our house in PA finally sold, finally closed, done done done!  Now we can rest…

Rolex’s Dork Dog Debacle
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Rolex’s Dork Dog Debacle

Since today’s the first day of school, things will be a bit hectic ushering the Princess Nagger off to obtain her education.  I’ll share first day of school pictures next week, but for now, I’ll let you giggle over our dog Rolex’s predicament. I had some sliced pineapple as a snack, and he decided when…

Introducing…Travis Tripplehorn Maxwell!
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Introducing…Travis Tripplehorn Maxwell!

We finally made it home with our newest addition to the family! We had been tossing around names for a while, both hubby and I wanted to name him Travis (hubby wants to nickname him ‘Travis Tripplehorn’…don’t ask! *grin!*) and the Princess Nagger wanted to name him Max (from the Dark Cloud PS2 games –…