Opioid Dependence – there is Hope and there is Help (#sponsored)

Opioid Dependence – there is Hope and there is Help (#sponsored)

Opioid dependence, also known as opioid prescription painkiller addiction and heroin addiction – is a chronic disease affecting increasingly more Americans each year.  While we may think people want to become addicted, that isn’t necessarily true.  Opioid’s are effective medicines in treating pain, however over time prescription painkillers can alter the brain’s chemistry by “resetting”…

Bringing Awareness for RSV – Do You Know the Risks? (#RSVAwareness #sponsored #MC)

Bringing Awareness for RSV – Do You Know the Risks? (#RSVAwareness #sponsored #MC)

When I found out I was pregnant with Princess Nagger almost 11 years ago (sheesh where does the time go?!), I knew one of the biggest risks she faced was premature delivery. Because of my brush with cervical cancer many years prior, subsequent medical maladies and miscarriages, it was definitely cause for worry. I was…

Opioid Dependence and the Story of Little Dude Part 1 (#sponsored)

Opioid Dependence and the Story of Little Dude Part 1 (#sponsored)

Today, opioid prescription painkiller addiction – also known as opioid dependence – affects millions of Americans.  While opioid prescription painkillers are effective medicines, some people develop opioid dependence as an unexpected consequence of proper pain treatment. I was wholly unaware that this issue would hit as close to home as it has.  I mean, I’ve…