Come Along on a House Tour – Not a 3-Hour Tour! Random Tuesday Coffee Chat
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Come Along on a House Tour – Not a 3-Hour Tour! Random Tuesday Coffee Chat

Welcome to Tuesday that feels like a Monday! Well, for those who had yesterday off, that is. The hubby and kids were all underfoot off yesterday, so you know that thwarted getting anything done…heh! Princess Nagger also has today off, but since she’s doing Virtual Academy, she’s home every day anyway, and does her own…

put away that Dirty Laundry and Play That Song Everybody Backstreet’s Back, because it’s the American Way Today!

put away that Dirty Laundry and Play That Song Everybody Backstreet’s Back, because it’s the American Way Today!

Oh my lord in heaven it’s been busy around here! So much going on, I’ll have to fill you in later. Like tomorrow. Or sometime. Y’all are going to think I’m crazy, but trust me, good things are coming. And I have lots of catching up to do with visits and replies to comments –…

OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover Keeps Melt-Downs at Bay! (#sponsored)

When Princess Nagger was born, I was secretly relieved that I wouldn’t have to worry about lots of dirt and grime. Little did I know that she would be polar opposite of what I imagined in the ‘clean’ department. She isn’t fazed by dirt, and I’m learning new tricks every day on trying to make…