Some Gave All, so just Drive – maybe Cruise in a Cop Car – but wait… there’s Somethin’ ‘Bout a Truck!

Some Gave All, so just Drive – maybe Cruise in a Cop Car – but wait… there’s Somethin’ ‘Bout a Truck!

Mother Nature has been smiling on us this past week – gorgeous sunny days, warm but not too hot, and almost cool enough at night for ‘good sleeping weather’. Just a tad too warm during the nighttime hours, but I’m not complaining, because it’s nothing compared to the heat and humidity we always endured out…

Girl in a Country Song is Day Drinking Rum in a Blank Space

Girl in a Country Song is Day Drinking Rum in a Blank Space

Winter break is over! Princess Nagger is not too pleased with that, though, she’s still not happy about being subjected to going to school every day. I know, right? I have a lot of patience, but I don’t think I’d have the patience to home-school her. Besides, I get way more done when I have…

Musta Had A Good Time some Beers Ago but I Just Wanna Rock ‘N Roll and Cruise since I’m The Fastest Girl In Town, but I’m not 5-1-5-0!
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Musta Had A Good Time some Beers Ago but I Just Wanna Rock ‘N Roll and Cruise since I’m The Fastest Girl In Town, but I’m not 5-1-5-0!

We survived the hot and humid weekend – we actually got a slight break from the humidity portion of it for a few hours, so that was good.  Except the house is still  holding onto the heat – a positive for wintertime since it stays nice and warm but bad for hot humid summertime when…