My Bologna Has a First Name – so I’d Like To Buy the World a Coke!

My Bologna Has a First Name – so I’d Like To Buy the World a Coke!

Man I tell you what – doing hyper-speed cleaning and de-cluttering of your house from top to bottom is exhausting work! Once we get this whole thing behind me, I’m gonna sleep for a week! Well, OK, probably not – but I’ll sure want to! Meanwhile, it’s Monday, and Monday means music fun! This week…

This or That: Coffee Chat in a Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel Kinda Way
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This or That: Coffee Chat in a Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel Kinda Way

It’s Thanksgiving week, people! Woot! Let the games begin! Since I know y’all are as busy as me plotting and planning for the veritable feast mere days away, we’ll keep this short and sweet. Since the affable Rory Bore aka Tiffanie aka Ink Interrupted has a “This or That” thing going on this week for…

Chase Gimme A Break & Kiss A Little Longer, the Best Part of Waking Up is I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing and Shake It Up!
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Chase Gimme A Break & Kiss A Little Longer, the Best Part of Waking Up is I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing and Shake It Up!

After having the hubby off work and Princess Nagger off school through the holidays, it’s tough getting back into the same old “Monday” routine.  This happens to be the first official ‘regular’ Monday since before Christmas – weird to think about that, isn’t it? Since it is Monday, naturally that means we’re going to dive…

Creepy Spider, Homework Fun, Young Lady vs. Ma’am, Vanilla Coke Shortage, Secret Chocolate Stash and Dino Twitter – RTT Rebel
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Creepy Spider, Homework Fun, Young Lady vs. Ma’am, Vanilla Coke Shortage, Secret Chocolate Stash and Dino Twitter – RTT Rebel

I always get thrown off when there’s a three-day weekend, today feels like Monday.  And of course that means by Friday I’ll have crammed five days worth of stuff into four, making it seem like a really long week.  Funny how that works. If you follow me on Facebook, you would have seen the unexpected…