Real Gone in a Cop Car – but there’s Somethin’ ‘Bout A Truck…Truck Yeah!

Real Gone in a Cop Car – but there’s Somethin’ ‘Bout A Truck…Truck Yeah!

We are two-thirds of the way through the succession of Spring Break between the kids and hubby – final week for the hubby, so we’ll be taking advantage of it as much as possible. Hopefully this week will be more fun and productive, since last week ended up being sidelined by a perpetual Blue Screen…

Jinx Lifted, Murphy’s Law Retreats, Cool Cars, Dork Dog and Silly Cats – RTT Rebel

Jinx Lifted, Murphy’s Law Retreats, Cool Cars, Dork Dog and Silly Cats – RTT Rebel

The jinx has been lifted! Murphy and his Law have retreated! We have ignition. Trajectory nominal. Oh wait – we aren’t in space, are we? And I bet you are curious to know what the heck I’m talking about, right? Riiiiiiiiiight.  Our house in PA finally sold, finally closed, done done done!  Now we can rest…