Girl in a Country Song is Day Drinking Rum in a Blank Space

Girl in a Country Song is Day Drinking Rum in a Blank Space

Winter break is over! Princess Nagger is not too pleased with that, though, she’s still not happy about being subjected to going to school every day. I know, right? I have a lot of patience, but I don’t think I’d have the patience to home-school her. Besides, I get way more done when I have…

R.I.P. James Garner with Sunshine & Whiskey but What I Can’t Put Down is Rum because That’s Damn Rock & Roll

R.I.P. James Garner with Sunshine & Whiskey but What I Can’t Put Down is Rum because That’s Damn Rock & Roll

This weekend saw the sad passing of an amazing actor, James Garner. The son of an Oklahoma carpet layer, he was only 5 when his mom passed away, and he and his two brothers were split up to live with relatives for about a year until his dad remarried. His stepmother was one of those…