Happy (3rd) Blogiversary to ME – A Wino/Non-Wino Giveaway for YOU!  (Take 2)

Happy (3rd) Blogiversary to ME – A Wino/Non-Wino Giveaway for YOU! (Take 2)

Edited to add: Two things – Rafflecopter does not like something in my blog, so it’s simply not working consistently, causing stress (for me and you) and we can’t have that.  No-siree.  So I’ve moved Rafflecopter over to my Facebook Page, where it should work like a charm.  And make your life easier.  I’ve also…

(CLOSED) Happy 2nd Blogiversary to Me – Giveaway for You!

(CLOSED) Happy 2nd Blogiversary to Me – Giveaway for You!

From this: to this: to this: From this: To this: It’s been a ride, hasn’t it?  Two years ago today I posted my very first blog post.  It was a day that I pretty much was ‘cleaning house’ on other sites I had been posting at prior, when the bug bit me and I decided…