BlogHer 12 Pictorial Highlights
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BlogHer 12 Pictorial Highlights

Since I haven’t had a chance to blog about BlogHer 12, I thought I would just do a quick pictorial post highlighting the weekend.  Starting with Times Square, of course: The two best roommates ever, Elle of Blue Monkey Butt (left) and Anne of Small Town Mommy (middle): Having the honor of meeting Denise (right)…

Suspended Animation, BlogHer12 Teaser, Fun Friends – RTT Rebel
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Suspended Animation, BlogHer12 Teaser, Fun Friends – RTT Rebel

It feels like I’ve been gone forever even though it was only five days over the weekend.  Does that ever happen to you?  Like the world went spinning extra fast over those days you’re gone?  It was the first time in nine years I actually went somewhere by myself, leaving the Absent Minded Professor to…

Heat and Sleep, Ice Cream Fun, Compliment, BlogHer ’12 and I’m With Stupid – RTT Rebel
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Heat and Sleep, Ice Cream Fun, Compliment, BlogHer ’12 and I’m With Stupid – RTT Rebel

I want to start off by expressing my condolences to all the families of the victims of last week’s senseless Colorado shooting.  The victims’ legacies will no doubt live on through their friends and families. . We’re still ‘making do’ with the stupid heat and humidity – I’ll be glad when summer is over as…

Steamy Weather, Nomination Honor, Wonky Thermostat and Asshat Parking
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Steamy Weather, Nomination Honor, Wonky Thermostat and Asshat Parking

 We’ve been home from vacation for a week and I’m still trying to get caught up on everything, in real life and in cyberspace.  Seems like being disconnected and gone for a couple of weeks tends to puts you in chicken-with-its-head-cut-off mode.  But don’t worry, I have no intention of squawking at you. One thing…