Resolution Mojo; Rebranding; 2021 Goals and Random Funnies to end the year: Random Tuesday Thoughts
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Resolution Mojo; Rebranding; 2021 Goals and Random Funnies to end the year: Random Tuesday Thoughts

We have reached the final week, the final Tuesday of 2020. I hope you all had a great Christmas, or whatever holiday you observe. We had a very low key Christmas, of course – didn’t do our ‘usual’ stuff, because, well, covid. We’re planning to (hopefully) have Christmas in July with my brother and his…

A to Z Challenge: The Great Theme Reveal!

A to Z Challenge: The Great Theme Reveal!

Well, hello there! Guess what I decided to do for the first time ever? Participate in the A-Z Blogging Challenge for April! I know, right?! It’s going to be a fun month, though – I’m looking forward to hopping around and meeting new people, and commiserating with bloggy friends I’ve known throughout the years of…

Part-Time BFF – and a Promise
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Part-Time BFF – and a Promise

I’ve been somewhat lackadaisical on my blogging the last year or so, in part because of the craziness of getting ready for the great move from Pennsylvania back to Washington State, followed by the temporary status of Basement Dwellers followed by the next-to-final move into our new house. The reason I say ‘next-to-final’ is because…

#BlogHer14, Celebrating 10 Years, Is Going to be Epic in San Jose! (#sponsored)

#BlogHer14, Celebrating 10 Years, Is Going to be Epic in San Jose! (#sponsored)

If you’ve never been to BlogHer, you really need to go at least  once in your life – whether you’re a newbie or have been blogging forever, the interaction with other bloggers is so very important, it’s always nice to put a face to the ‘voice’ behind the computer screen.   If we hadn’t just…

Where Do You Blog?  Aloha Friday Follow Fun
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Where Do You Blog? Aloha Friday Follow Fun

Happy Aloha Friday! . From Kailani at An Island Life: In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So on Fridays let’s take it easy on posting, too. Ask a simple question…nothing that requires a lengthy response. It’s a great way to make new blogging…