Been Like This with Wildflowers and Wild Horses just Follow the Sound of My Voice to Texas Hold ‘Em

Been Like This with Wildflowers and Wild Horses just Follow the Sound of My Voice to Texas Hold ‘Em

Hello April! What happened to March? It’s April Fool’s Day – any prank plans? Since it is Monday, you know that Monday means music – and that’s no joke! This week is a freebie week, so grab your favorite tune(s) and come dance with us, won’t you?  Let’s start with a favorite Grammy-winning star who…

building Sandcastles while Shoe Shopping and Searchin’ My Soul Said No One Ever – just Save A Horse [Ride A Cowboy]!

building Sandcastles while Shoe Shopping and Searchin’ My Soul Said No One Ever – just Save A Horse [Ride A Cowboy]!

Monday has arrived again – and Monday means music! This week’s theme is songs that start with the first letter of your name – so for me, that obviously means “S”! This should be fun! Grab your favorites, and come dance with us, won’t you? Let’s start off with an artist, who, while dealing with…

it’s Hard To Be Cool in a Neon Light especially in a Perfect Storm – just Shake It Off!

it’s Hard To Be Cool in a Neon Light especially in a Perfect Storm – just Shake It Off!

Well hello Monday! In case you were wondering, last week was pretty much a bust. If things look a tad bit different around these digs, it’s because last week my blog was broken, so I spent the better part of the week fixing it.  I didn’t get a chance to pay any visits last week,…

If I Were A Boy I’d be Footloose and Life In A Northern Town would be a Landslide, Ho Hey!
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If I Were A Boy I’d be Footloose and Life In A Northern Town would be a Landslide, Ho Hey!

How did it already get to be June?  While I seem to be moving in slow motion, time seems to be flying by even faster than ever.  I really need to find that ‘pause’ button soon.  Today is Princess Nagger’s last day of school – she goes for a whole whopping two hours, then she’s…

Stupid Girls Rolling In The Deep Rule The World – MMMM

Stupid Girls Rolling In The Deep Rule The World – MMMM

It’s Monday, and we’re on vacation!  I know, I really shouldn’t rub it in, should I?  We’ve been having so much fun with my sister and her husband and my parents that the time is already flying by.  You know, since Saturday night. It’s time for Monday’s Music Moves Me – and I am honored…

Today is your Birthday so We Will Rock You…and have some Alcohol – MMMM
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Today is your Birthday so We Will Rock You…and have some Alcohol – MMMM

Monday again – can I see a show of hands on who actually likes Monday?  Well, then – maybe we can make it better with some fun music.  At least that’s something to look forward to, right?  It’s also a very special day today – it happens to be one of the fearless leaders of…