playing a Thanksgiving Song while wearing our Stretchy Pants for another Thanksgiving Song when we Gobble Gobble!

playing a Thanksgiving Song while wearing our Stretchy Pants for another Thanksgiving Song when we Gobble Gobble!

Hello, Monday peeps! It’s here, it’s here! Thanksgiving week is here! Hopefully you all have amazing plans this week. I’ve been working too many hours each week, so me personally am looking forward to having a bonafide 4-day weekend—that break is long overdue, let me tell you. 😉 Since it is Monday, you know that…

Thanksgiving Song makes us Gobble Gobble and need to wear our Stretchy Pants, so i’m thankful for The Thanksgiving Song!
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Thanksgiving Song makes us Gobble Gobble and need to wear our Stretchy Pants, so i’m thankful for The Thanksgiving Song!

Monday has arrived, and this week is Thanksgiving week! Man, that got here fast! Are you ready? This is one of my most favorite holidays, so I’m psyched for this week for sure! And, since it’s Monday, you know that Monday means music! This week is a freebie week, so grab your favorite tune(s) and…

Here’s To Anyone toasting Life With You and To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before i’m Living My Best Life

Here’s To Anyone toasting Life With You and To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before i’m Living My Best Life

Final Day of January – don’t blink, it’ll be next December again! 😉 Meanwhile it’s Monday, and of course Monday means music! This week is a freebie week, so feel free to grab your favorite tune(s) and come dance with us, won’t you? Let’s start with this American Idol Season 17 winner who just last…

get Up and drive Circles Around This Town so you can Dream On about Where We Are

get Up and drive Circles Around This Town so you can Dream On about Where We Are

We’re officially halfway through January – how’s the New Year treating you so far? Meanwhile it’s Monday, and of course Monday means music! This week is a freebie week, so feel free to grab your favorite tune(s) and come dance with us, won’t you? Let’s start with a brand new song from this favorite artist,…

hey Old Friends This Is It! Sunrise, Sunburn, Sunset in 2002!

hey Old Friends This Is It! Sunrise, Sunburn, Sunset in 2002!

Wow! August has arrived! Don’t tell the kids they only have 4 weeks of summer left, there might be a mutiny or a revolt on my hands! heh… August is going to certainly be a busy month, trying to cram all summer fun into the last weeks before school starts, that’s for sure. I’m just…