Checking In so Turn the Lights Back On there are No Strings just Perfectly Broken

Checking In so Turn the Lights Back On there are No Strings just Perfectly Broken

Hello Monday! I’m finally starting to return to the land of the living after having been sick. Soon I’ll address the issues on having broken my blog – at least it’s limping along and accessible (and secure) so there’s that! Since it is Monday, you know that Monday means music! This week is a freebie…

it’s Expensive to Stay Drunk when i go Anywhere For You – Bubbles Up!

it’s Expensive to Stay Drunk when i go Anywhere For You – Bubbles Up!

Monday has arrived, and this particular Monday is a little more tolerable since we had our stolen hour returned. I don’t know about you, but I’d prefer to stay on Standard Time all year round and not have to change the clocks twice a year! As you know, Monday means music! This week is a…

Have You Ever Loved Someone while Dreaming of a Friend Of Mine that Make Me Wanna Smoke?

Have You Ever Loved Someone while Dreaming of a Friend Of Mine that Make Me Wanna Smoke?

Monday is here again! At least the saving grace of Mondays is that Monday means music! This week is a freebie week, so grab your favorite tune(s) and come dance with us, won’t you?  Let’s start with an English musician who tells us that as much as love can tear people apart, there is sometimes…

get your Name In Lights when you Dance The Night on Middle Ground with Happy People!

get your Name In Lights when you Dance The Night on Middle Ground with Happy People!

Sheesh! It’s the first Monday of June already! How on earth is the year flying by so quickly? Weird to think that Christmas is just over 200 days from now. I know, I know – shut up, Stacy! 😂 Since it is Monday, you know that Monday means music! This week is a freebie week,…

After You, The Bones remain because You Say you Got It In You

After You, The Bones remain because You Say you Got It In You

I have to admit, this is my least favorite time of year. Changing the clocks to remove an hour just doesn’t cut it for me. Especially since those that are they had the brilliant idea to make Daylight Saving Time earlier than it used to be, and they keep that hour hostage longer into the…

i wanna be Someone To You Coming Home on One Foot and Have It All!

i wanna be Someone To You Coming Home on One Foot and Have It All!

Can you believe it’s the last day of April? That means summer is right around the corner, people! Looking forward to continuous warm sunny days, how about you? Meanwhile, it’s Monday, and Monday means music! This week is a freebie week – grab your favorite tune(s) and dance along with us, won’t you? Starting off,…