Lost and Found Karma; Funnies and Summertime Reflection: Random Tuesday Thoughts with Coffee
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Lost and Found Karma; Funnies and Summertime Reflection: Random Tuesday Thoughts with Coffee

One more week before we’re officially in the ‘back to school’ schedule mode – this is the hubby’s last week of his summer break, with a smattering of meetings as they get ready for the return of students next week. So next week we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled program with drop-offs and pick-ups….

Exercise and Learning, Sentimental and Surprising – Friendly Fill-Ins for Friday Fun!

Exercise and Learning, Sentimental and Surprising – Friendly Fill-Ins for Friday Fun!

Friday is one of my favorite days of the week – I’m pretty sure that’s par for the course for most people, right? This is the final Friday of the summer break for the kids – next week is Back To School week for them. There may or may not be some celebrating going on…

the Cool Girl is Something Wild who will Lose Control while Still Falling For You
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the Cool Girl is Something Wild who will Lose Control while Still Falling For You

It’s happening. Summer is almost over. Only a week left before the kids start back to school. Somebody please oh please find that pause button! Meanwhile, it’s Monday, and Monday is always made better with music, don’t you think? This week is a freebie week, so feel free to grab your favorite tune(s) and dance…

Retail Fast-Forward; Pokemon GO and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel
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Retail Fast-Forward; Pokemon GO and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel

How can it be we’re halfway through summer already? Of course the college the hubby teaches at doesn’t start their summer break until mid-August until almost the end of September, so we (meaning I) haven’t been able to enjoy the ‘no alarm’ mode of lazy summer days since I get up with the hubby to…

Bad Luck Black Sand, Fun at the Fair (sort of), and Educational Coffee Chat: RTT Rebel
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Bad Luck Black Sand, Fun at the Fair (sort of), and Educational Coffee Chat: RTT Rebel

Tuesday is here again – it’s one of my favorite days of the week, because it means I can bullshit with random and have coffee with my friends. Now if we could change it into wine with friends, that would sweeten the pot even more, no? So apparently inadvertently bringing home some black sand in…

Blank Brain, Back-to-School Shopping, and some funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel
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Blank Brain, Back-to-School Shopping, and some funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel

Heyyyyy! We had a little bit of rain last night! Woot! Of course it didn’t last long, and the ground didn’t get saturated, but I’ll take what I can get! So much for it raining all the time here…not! I’m totally unprepared with random this week – my brain is blank (c’mon now, you know…