Girl in a Country Song is Day Drinking Rum in a Blank Space

Girl in a Country Song is Day Drinking Rum in a Blank Space

Winter break is over! Princess Nagger is not too pleased with that, though, she’s still not happy about being subjected to going to school every day. I know, right? I have a lot of patience, but I don’t think I’d have the patience to home-school her. Besides, I get way more done when I have…

Aw Naw, he’s Redneck Crazy while she’s Better In A Black Dress… Ka-Ching!
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Aw Naw, he’s Redneck Crazy while she’s Better In A Black Dress… Ka-Ching!

Mother Nature has not been my friend.  She’s been inundating us with extreme heat and humidity, making my purge and pack mode go as slow as molasses, especially since it’s not getting cool at night (at all – I mean c’mon, 71 for a low?!) meaning the house also doesn’t have a chance to cool…