Power Play: The One Where Met-Ed Held Our Power Hostage for 27 Hours
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Power Play: The One Where Met-Ed Held Our Power Hostage for 27 Hours

The Power Company, also known in these parts as Met-Ed (First Energy), pulled a power play on us last week.  Last Tuesday, as a matter of fact.  Just as I was getting ready to fix Little Dude a hot breakfast and get myself a cup of coffee to get started on visiting all my RTT…

Getting all Judgy about Preschool
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Getting all Judgy about Preschool

A new school year already – today is Day 3.  I know it’s still August – that’s just how they do things here in Small Town America.  Still haven’t figured out the why yet, since it makes more sense to start the Tuesday after Labor Day since Labor Day Weekend is the wrap-up to summer. …

Getting Ready for the First Day of School
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Getting Ready for the First Day of School

  This year will be Princess Nagger’s last and final year in Elementary School – well, at least for here, since she’ll be in 4th Grade and moves to a different building next year for 5th and 6th grade for ‘Middle School’ (when I was in school, Kindergarten through 6th Grade was Grade School – then…

Night-Owls vs. Morning People
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Night-Owls vs. Morning People

Hard to believe summer is coming to an end.  Princess Nagger starts school in 1-1/2 weeks – she’s simultaneously looking forward to it and dreading it.  At least she’s very happy with the teacher she was assigned for fourth grade – according to her, the teacher she’s getting is “the nicest teacher in the whole…